Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013/2003: Week 3

In my quest to re-lose the weight I took off in 2003-2005, I've decided to document each week, comparing life now (first post) with life 10 years ago (second post). My hope is that I can find the momentum that carried me through those two years by looking at what worked for me then.

WEEK 3: 2013 
Beginning Weight: 264.6
Last week's weight: 255.4
This week's weight: 254.4
Week 3's weight loss: 1
Total weight loss: 10.2

When I started this whole "Let's compare life now with life 10 years ago" idea, thinking it would be great to mimic my weight loss from back then, I WASN'T hoping to mimic other aspects of my life. But here I am, in Week 3, sick. Week 3 in 2003? Sick.

Ah well, such is life in winter, I suppose.

My chest cold -- and the exhaustion it has brought -- has made it hard to exercise. I walked extra Metro stops only once in Week 3, and it was for just a mile. I've pretty much been horizontal in bed or at my desk working all week. Not a good thing for someone trying to lose weight. 

And, hence, a mere 1 pound weight loss. I'm not happy. Twice this week I sat with groups of friends as they ate regular meals and I just sipped my Diet Coke and water. I even passed up the birthday cake at a friend's party. My eating has been perfect. But I know it's not enough. I know I've got to get moving.

Unfortunately, the exhaustion I've been feeling has been overwhelming. Perhaps working from 3:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. one day last week didn't help. But my workload this month isn't going to get any easier. And there are races I have signed up for that require actual training. How I will find the time for that, I do not know. No matter how many to-the-minute schedules I make for myself, I have yet to make it work. 

I realize that something's got to give, and it's probably my second job, but because the second job is the one I love most, it's hard to just give it up. It's really the only place in my life where I feel proud of what I do and what I'm capable of. And I can't give that up. I might be less exhausted if I did, but I wouldn't be happier.

So. Keep up with the good eating. And hope I can figure out a way to make time for the obviously much-needed exercise. 

WEEK 3: 2003 
Beginning Weight: 317
Last week's weight: 306
This week's weight: 303.2
Week 3's weight loss: 2.8
Total weight loss: 13.8

Published: 02/25/2003
I was foolish this week.

I thought I had lost more weight than I had – then fell into a bit of a depression when I pulled out of my closet (and tried on) a brown blazer I hadn’t been able to button for about a year. Urrrrg! I still was far from fitting inside the bugger. I threw it to the floor (though I stopped myself from jumping up and down on it).

People keep asking me if I feel any different, if my clothes feel any better, but I haven’t been able to tell. While the dieting has gone very well (in three weeks, I’ve yet to eat more than I’m allotted), exercise is key and I haven’t been as good in that area.

The problem? Sheer exhaustion from work compounded with a new respiratory infection that makes it hard to breathe. I’m hoping to beat this illness soon – my goal is to be out walking again this morning and build myself back up.

To update you, I lost 2.8 pounds in Week 3. I just hope this newest curveball won’t keep me down.

Note: Just when I thought I was safe, having avoided the Valentine’s Day chocolate on the store shelves, I was greeted Sunday at Lowes Foods by a group of girls screaming “Want to buy some Girl Scout cookies?”

Normally, I would stop and purchase a few boxes, justifying it by “it’s charity. I have to support those cute little fund-raising scouts.” Instead, I offered a smile and a “Sorry, I can’t.”

Because I couldn’t.

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