Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Old habits die hard

I got up early this morning to go running before my class. It was a decent trot: I was able to run the first mile straight, which means, thankfully, I haven't completely lost my ability.

Class was OK. If I had to judge the day based on my performance, I'd say it was bad. I don't remember being so ... stuck last year. There were moments during class when I lost my train of thought. I'd like to blame it on the Sudafed/my cold, but I think I'm on the mend.

The students, however, seem really cool. I was impressed with the group and am looking forward to getting to know them.

What's weird is how I felt in the building today. I felt like I did last year, and my habits last year were really, really bad. After class, I wanted to go to Taco Bell or McDonald's or Walgreens and get something bad to eat. The feeling was overwhelming. I had to remind myself that I don't want to be like that this year. I want to be healthier and use the exercise to relieve stress, not the food.

I was able to catch a small nap after class and before work. And at work, I was able to resist some "goodbye cake." I'll take that small achievement.

My first big temptation this week apparently will be Earl. The hurricane is looking more likely to hit, and after work tonight, a few of us are going shopping to stock up. To me, hurricanes are a grand excuse to snack. I must be diligent.

Looking forward to tomorrow's run. Let's hope I feel the same in the morning!

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